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Estate Planning

We have found that many of our clients delay this process because the paperwork is cumbersome. Ventura Pranas has got a system in place to smoothen this process, and as our client, we’re competent with the toughest part: aggregating the information. Our role is to also help you navigate the complex and shifting tax laws to facilitate the transfer of assets and minimize the tax liability of your beneficiaries.

Having your taxes and estate thoroughly and carefully planned will ensure that your loved ones don't have any complications to deal with during a time of loss.

Some essential points to consider before you approach us to draft a will are:

  • A list of potential trustees
  • A list of beneficiaries
  • An executor of your will (ideally, someone younger and with good judgement).
  • The percentage share that each beneficiary will get.
  • Conditions you might want to stipulate before the beneficiaries gain access to the assets.
  • A succession plan, if you have your own business.
  • An inventory of all your assets worldwide.

Our services for the will cover:

  • An estate plan write-up
  • Drawing up United States as well as India-pour-over-wills for husband and wife (that’s 2 wills for each country).
  • Preparing a US living trust deed.
  • Assigning assets to a living trust.